What a weekend from June 20-23! The Sedona UFO Tour Guide went to Los Angeles with my buddy John Farris, and we had a booth at ALIEN CON. I got to see some of the people I’ve only been emailing with for the last 10+ years, and got to meet some more people in the UFO industry that I’ve NEVER had the opportunity to communicate with!
This is Craig Campobosso. He is the writer and producer of the “Stranger at the Pentagon” movie. My TERRANOMALY band wrote and recorded the theme song by the same name for the movie. Yes, that’s me singing about “Valiant Thor” and his desire to help us without providing weapons of war (imagine that).
Craig got to meet R2D2, who hasn’t seen the short-release of the movie, even though it’s been out for a couple of years. What!? You haven’t seen it either? Better get over to Craig’s site and watch it!
Hopefully, the Sedona UFO Tour Guide will see YOU at Alien Con next year!