Elon’s Work Seen on Sedona UFO Tour

StarLink is certainly launching lots of satellites! With 60 at a time, the number is now in the thousands that are already in orbit. When a string cruises over the Sedona UFO Tour Guide and those on the tour, the sounds of “wow” are always heard.

With the 3D printed iPhone 5 interface, the Sedona UFO Tour Guide captured a recent string moving west to east that was seen by his tour on May 6th, 2021. A second string came up from the north a short time later. One never knows what they’ll see on the tour, so be sure to make a reservation when you’re going to be in Sedona!

Watch for new tour functions like a 3-hour tour with extended time for Q & A with the Sedona UFO Tour Guide. Go as deep down the rabbit holes as you desire with the Extended Tour. Ask any question, get amazing answers.

StarLink Launch May 2021

UFO Tour Booking
Interview Booking
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Element 115 and the ET Drummer
Get a copy of the only album ever with an ET on drums. Element 115 by Element 115. Element 115 album
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