Muh Muh Muh My Corona…

The Sedona UFO Tour Guide has no fear. Fear is the great stopper of all mankind, and I truly have no time or place for it. If you reserve a spot, and the sky is clear, we WILL go out and see UFOs.

Do YOU personally know anyone that’s been hospitalized from CV? Has anyone in your family, not part of an emergency room squad known anyone that’s been hospitalized from CV? If you were TOLD it was CV, do you have EVIDENCE that it was CV?

Unless you’re in a heavy 5G environment, the odds of you getting more than common-cold sick from it are 1 in 100,000. Corona is a USA invention that was modified in China, and released by Mossad hacking the computerized containment equipment in Wuhan. The current US administration is stopping its involvement in foreign wars. Mossad wants war at any cost. The Khazars make money from both sides, and their Lord and Master (Satan) feeds on loosh (fear energy). I suggest we starve them.

I suggest to NOT fear, especially when there is no proof before your eyes, nor anyone-you-know’s eyes of impending danger and doom. Have a month’s worth of stuff ready. That’s good in any case. Prepare for fear to shut down everything around you. It will be an inconvenience. The Deep State wants things shut down and people in fear instead of rejoicing that the pedos formerly running the world are being arrested amazingly quickly now. Watch dogmatic responses from blue check mark types to anything positive happening (like perp-walking human rights abusers).

Note how many Hollywood types and corporate CEOs disappear. Note how many come down with “Corona virus” and “self-quarantine.” Note how many pedo associates of Epstein, Weinstein and Maxwell start dropping. The change is here and now. We The People are recovering the Republic. Ain’t it great?

Where We Go One, We Go All! Trust the plan, ’cause the bad guy’s gonna fall. We’re kicking Deep State right in the cabals. Newer videos on top.

Dr. Gold Exposes REAL Reason Global-Pharma Hates HCQ – August 2020

Baltimore Resident Reveals EMPTY Emergency Room – August 2020

Dr. Stella Immanuel Understands – August 2020

Dr. Simone Gold Clarifies HCQ Misinformation – July 2020

Dr. Bob Hamilton White Coat Summit Part 1 – July 2020

Pastors Are AFRAID to Hear This! – Pastor Locke – July 2020

No WAY a Mask Can Block a Virus – July 2020

Wiser People Say “Don’t Be A Sheep” – July 2020

Dr. Victory with Common Sense and TRUTH – July 2020

Dr. Buttar with MORE Disclosure! – July 2020


Texas REDEFINES COVID “cases” to Include Imaginary – July 2020

ANOTHER Oxygen Test Showing Mask DANGER for Kids! – July 2020

How We Should ALL Be Addressing City Councils! – July 2020

Oxygen Test in real-time. What are you breathing in a mask? – June 2020

Excellent video from attorney Leigh Dundas – June 2020

Dr. Cowan clarifies radiological effect of new frequencies – May 2020

Forensic nurse Rachel Seller is up on vaccines. Very cogent. – May 2020

Dr. Fauci: Masks During a Pandemic – May, 2020 – worth watching twice

This clip is from Dr. Yvette Lozano from Texas on May 10, 2020

Here is a great video by California’s Dr. Jeff Barke on May 7, 2020

Here is some more information from Dr. Buttar May 7, 2020

Here is a great video with an outstanding academic in bacteriology and virology, Dr. Mikovits.

UFO Tour Booking
Interview Booking
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Element 115 and the ET Drummer
Get a copy of the only album ever with an ET on drums. Element 115 by Element 115. Element 115 album
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