UFO / ET Products!

UFO products – You want ’em, we got ’em!

The UFO-PACK Pro! –

Michael Describes the UFO Pack Pro

Everything you need to go UFO watching in the boonies, or your own back yard is right here in this handy package!

Everything for UFO Watching!

Includes: PVS-7 night vision goggles with GEN 3 OMNI 6+ (autogated) tubes, the “Skullcrusher” head mount, 2AA batteries, the same hi-power 303 laser we use on tour with TWO 18650 batteries & charger, a hard plastic case designed for the PACK, and a ONE YEAR warrantee. LIMITED TIME ONLY: Autogated units OMNI 6+ for $3,900. <—-

This is my most popular UFO product!

GET YOURS NOW! (Will NOT be shipped outside of USA)

EMAIL michael@SedonaUFOTourGuide.com to purchase!


Be STYLIN’ with the latest UFO wear! Boomers remember something similar. Millennials just think it’s cool. Everyone wants an “ARE YOU EXPERIENCED” shirt or hoodie! Hoodie currently out of stock until next fall, but T-shirt available now! Order by clicking here.
T-shirt: $30. Hoodie: $52. Add $10 to ship whatever you order.


From the 1960s, this fiber optic UFO product is very cool.

This one is mine. I opened and assembled it!

Yes, still in its original packaging, this lamp from the 1970s still has the $9.95 price tag, and every bag and wrap that it was manufactured with. It is one of the rare UFO products. I’ve seen these in UV faded saggy condition for $395.00

Brand New, Unassembled!

Pick one up now for $500. – and there are only TWO available!

Classic fiber optic lamp is a rare UFO product.

Only 2!

LOOK UP – by Devara Thunderbeat

Look Up by Thunderbeat

LOOK UP – by Devara Thunderbeat

This amazing true story about Devara’s life long Journey with ETs
and Angels will take you on an adventure to the stars. It is truly
Devara and her Mother were transported onboard a spacecraft when she was
4 years old. These benevolent, loving, beings have been in contact
with her ever since.   The Angels and Star people have guided Devara
with Incredible information and revolutionary ways of healing with
Color – Light and Sound.  They have relayed stunning information of who
they are and how they have been supporting us thru centuries.  

Devara ThunderBeat is an International multi – award winning
musician / composer, author, teacher, speaker, 22 DNA facilitator,
certified reiki master and a pioneer in sound healing.

36″ inflatable ET

Three foot Inflatable alien

36″ Inflatable ET

This adorable 36″ inflatable ET character (green) would look great in the passenger seat (can not be used to gain access to HOV lane).

$12.00 including fast shipping to US addresses.

The Fedora is a style statement on its own, but add the colors, and well, they’re FEDORABLE!

Great variety of colors. $35 delivered within the US.  Email michael@SedonaUFOTourGuide.com for colors in stock.