When Michael started doing the tours, he immediately recognized that people want the goggles they get to use on the Sedona UFO Tour. Since no one else was providing a package that includes the laser, goggle, and accessories, he put one together. It has a hard-shell case and padded insides. It’s called the UFO Pack PRO and is available from the Sedona UFO Tour Guide’s website.
Preppers and others who have a bug-out bag for emergency situations need to have quality night-vision capable optics. There is no better night vision in the price range of this product.
Watch this video for more information on the UFO Pack Pro…
This group of ladies from California wanted to get their picture taken with AL Jr. while looking through the UFO Pack PRO goggles. Since AL is a ham, he’s always ready to be seen whether on video or photos.

The goggles are military issue. There are strict rules prohibiting them from being taken out of the country. If someone does try to cross the border with them or board an international flight, that person will be sitting in a small room for awhile, and their $3,400 goggles will disappear with an agent. I guarantee the flight will be missed as well. Best advice, don’t try it!
As delivery times for some of the components have increased, and as Michael does assemble the goggle and kit from parts, please allow 14 days for delivery. Price includes shipping to the USA only.