UFO Mega Conference Has Been CANCELED!

UFO Mega Conference Canceled
UFO Mega Conference Canceled

The Annual Laughlin UFO Mega Conference has been canceled, which was slated for Las Vegas in March, 2022. Draconian abuse of individual human rights by Nevada is the reason. Its governor and State Congress have not stepped up to stop the globalist draconian health abuses put upon its people and the visitors to Nevada. In fact, they’ve embraced the idiocy of the global psychological operation (Psy-Op) called covid.

We won’t wear masks!

Dozens of us, who were invited to attend and present at the conference, told the producers that we won’t show up if we’re forced to compromise our physical health through oxygen starvation and our spiritual health by donning the 4,000 year-old symbol for child-sacrifice (these masks). In the end, the producers, who are friends of mine, decided to “pull it” as Silverstein would say.

I only hope that Bob and Gordon will see the writing on the wall and move their conference to a State that respects the health and freedoms of its citizenry. How about Florida or Texas, guys?

Sedona UFO Tour Guide Will Be In Sedona

Meanwhile, this opens up tour dates in Sedona from March 19th to 27th. Book your tour with the Sedona UFO Tour Guide easily by going to this link, clicking on a date, and filling in a couple of fields for contact. Remember, with this tour every adult gets their own goggle for the evening. Why would you want to share your goggle with someone you don’t know? Why would others doing UFO Tours in Sedona want to charge you TWICE what this tour does, and make you SHARE your goggle? In addition, they have ZERO experience in the technologies used in space. The Sedona UFO Tour Guide is a former DOD contractor on missile and satellite systems! He’s also a pilot! He also sealed the Galileo satellite that went to Jupiter. Get EXPERIENCE AND the BEST PRICE. Book your tour today!

UFO Tour Booking
Interview Booking
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Element 115 and the ET Drummer
Get a copy of the only album ever with an ET on drums. Element 115 by Element 115. Element 115 album
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